Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Taco Tuesday!

Today we went to Pacific Beach to hang out for the afternoon. I was meeting an acquaintance who lives in San Diego for lunch in PB, so we figured we might as well just hang for the day and try a new beach. I was pretty nervous on the way there since the sky was really overcast and it was pretty cool out. But just like a typical California day, the sky cleared up and we were left with a beautiful afternoon on the beach.

As the headline states, just about every place in PB that serves tacos has specials on Tuesday. So for I had 4 tacos and a quesadilla over the course of the afternoon, which was pretty sweet and definitely filled my craving for tacos for a couple days. We also caught some sweet drink specials and got some good margaritas for $5.

Today I decided I was a grown man and made my own decision about SPF for the day, choosing to go with 4. I'm a lil red, but not too bad.

Just don't tell Susan.

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