Monday, August 17, 2009

It's *spelled* "La Jolla"

So today we hung around for most of the morning. By about 1 I was getting a little stir crazy in the house and needed to get out.

Susan had a doctor's appointment at 4:15 in what I thought was "La Hoya" but is apparently "La Jolla". So we hung around La Jolla Cove, and while she was at her appointment Linz and I walked down to the beach and watched the seals play around in the water and lay on the rocks by the beach. It was pretty cool to watch them swim as the waves crashed into the outcropped walkway built which was lined with people looking down over the seals as they hung out. A few times the waves crashed pretty hard into the side, came up over the top of the walkway and soaked us pretty good. Like usual, I didn't bring my camera, soooo, I have no photos to share with you all about it. Hopefully we'll make it back there again and I'll grab some shots to put on the web.

Afterwards, we headed home and made some pizza. One was a BBQ chicken pizza made with the leftovers from Phils BBQ, and the other was tomato, fresh mozzarella, garlic, and basil. Pretty good, right? Well, we enjoyed them at least. The only problem was the tops cooked real fast, but the bottoms of the pizza were still soft and gooey, so we used some ah... creative ways to say the least... to get the bottom cooked. But they turned out pretty delicious.

Not too much excitement otherwise today. Got the photo gadget up and linked to the pictures I'd taken so far if you haven't noticed. Sorry for so many scenic shots, but haven't been in too many places so far. I'll get some good beach pics up soon, and hopefully this week we'll go downtown to a Padres game. Tomorrow we are going to Pacific Beach, so I'll be sure to check in and let you know how a beach is there.

1 comment:

  1. Dear face kicker,
    The word is "spelled" not "spelt". You can't even spell in your own language! I hope Lucille is up and around soon. I wish her a speedy recovery.
