Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 1 On The Road - Updated

We started the day in Freeport, NY and about 15 hours later we rolled into Davenport, IA. So over that time period, we went through NY, NJ, PA, OH, IN, IL. It was definitely a long day to say the least, but I was impressed with how far we got.

Nothing too exciting happened while we were on the road, as hard as that may be to believe. The scariest part was stopping at a rest stop in Indiana. We had just gotten into the state, so we decided to stop for some food and stretch our legs. I can't even begin to explain the kind of people I saw roll into that highway stop. We had rather large families (individually speaking), a guy in running pants and a hunting shirt, and a McDonald's employee who looked so angry at the world, I thought she was going to hop over the counter and come after us when we only order 1 soda. After that whole experience, I made sure we didn't stop in Indiana again that night.

We discovered upon our arrival at the hotel that my front passenger seat was soaked, like if you pushed your hand down, water rose up around you. Needless to say that isn't a good thing to have, and being about a 1,000 miles into the trip, there's not a whole lot we can do. Hopefully it won't be too much trouble and once we get to San Diego it'll have to be looked at for sure.

Anyway, one day in the books, 3 days, 1,800 miles to go!

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