Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sand, Sun, Surf, and Face Kicking?

So my first weekend here is in the books, and it was pretty perfect. We spent Saturday and Sunday camped out on the beach, which was pretty sweet. The weather was perfect, going into the mid 80s with a nice breeze blowing, and a nice cool Pacific Ocean to jump into.

The Memphis Crew (Susan, Linz, me) got to the beach by 11 or so both days and stayed till about 7. There was plenty of paddle ball and laying in the sun. The girls kept telling me about how strong the sun was, and how I didn't know what it was like - blah blah blah. Basically they scared me into using SPF 15 for the bulk of the last two days and because of it I have made little progress in getting a tan. (Susan is reading this as I write and would like to point out that not only am I a whiner, but I got red today while using 15)

On the plus side, we played a lot of paddle ball, with plenty of dives and sand in my face. But each session ended the same way, diving into the water and riding some waves. There was a little too much kelp in the water, but we fought through it. And I finally started showing my East Coast skills, taking some big waves into the beach. Of course, both days I kicked myself for not bringing my boogie board because the rides would have been sweet.

And speaking of "kicking," yesterday while in the water with Linz, I dove into a wave and apparently kicked her in the face with the top of my foot. I have no idea how it happened. Personally, I think she dove into the wave behind me...Sooo, yeah, my foot would be in front of her...She disagrees. My nickname since has become "face kicker"

Saturday night we went to Phils BBQ for dinner and it was awesome. The line to get in was about 40 minutes long, but the food was worth the wait. Linz and I got beef ribs, dripping in BBQ sauce and Susan got some BBQ chicken. Everything was really good, and I've already requested another trip before our departure in 2+ weeks.

I know I promised photos, but I'm typing from Susan's Mac, so I'll shoot to add some later before bed. I know all you working folk need something interesting to look at while sitting in the office all day. No worries though, a couple more weeks and Ill be suffering just like you. :-(

But until then, I'm going to continue taking it day by day and loving every moment out here. :-)

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