Friday, August 7, 2009

An A-Bomb! From A-Rod!

So I just got finished watching an epic 15 inning Yankees-Red Sox game which Alex Rodriguez made all worth it with a walk-off homer in the bottom of the 15th to win the game 2-0. I have to be up early tomorrow, but I could not bring myself to go to bed without seeing the outcome. Tomorrow is a big day, baby! Hopefully we will depart on schedule at 10 AM in my father's and I quest to make it to San Diego by Tuesday. It's certainly going to be a wild and patience-testing couple of days.

I'll try to make some posts as we travel, but I can't make guarantees since I have no idea the kinds of places we are going to be staying in. At the very latest I will have another post on Wednesday. If you don't here from me by Friday, you can start getting nervous.

It's time to go lay on the beaches of Cali!

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