Friday, August 14, 2009

So after being chastised this evening for not having a blog post for almost two days and being presented with the fact my readers may be at a loss and wondering what I'm up to, I'm here for you.

Fear not.

Nothing too exciting happened yesterday. We spent the afternoon at the beach, which was my first day on the sand while being here. The beaches are so much nicer than on the island, lacking all the branches and other crap you step on walking around in Long Beach or occasionally Jones. On the otherhand, the water was not crystal clear, and instead of being inundated with seaweed, there were large pieces of kelp floating around. There were some good waves breaking, but I couldn't seem to find my groove and ride one in to the beach. I chalked it up to getting used to a new coast, since I am known up and down the east coast as an expert body surfer.

Before we went to the beach though, I made the first of many trips to In-N-Out, a must-see for first-timers to the West Coast. It was delicious as usual, and I got a lot of food, so it became my main meal for the day. For dinner, we went into downtown San Diego which was nice to see, and I caught a glimpse of Petco Park, home of the Padres. Downtown looks like a nice area to go out in for a night so hopefully we'll revisit the area in the coming weeks.

Today I took Lucille in for her service, and she's back to me already in one piece and ready for full-active duty. Apaprently there was just a bunch of crap clogging up the a/c system, so the water was getting stuck. She's happy to be back, and I'm looking forward to driving back to NY without having to worry about the a/c giving out on me.

We went to the beach for a couple hours again today and relaxed, though it became overcast shortly after our arrival of course. Me and Susan played some more paddle ball, I game I love, especially because it allows me to make game-saving dives in the sand without having to worry about injury. Whether she does it on purpose because she knows how much I enjoy diving or not, Susan served up saveable shots pretty often. By the end, 1) tired, and 2) very sandy.

For dinner Susan, Linz (friend and roommate), and I headed back up to Carlsbad in a healthy Lucille for one last dinner with my dad before he gets on a plane and heads back to the East Coast. We tried to convince him to stay and hang around for the weekend, but our attempts were unsuccessful. We went to Kings Fish House I believe, and dinner was delicious, along with a really great waiter, Reggie. We had a really nice time and ate a lot of food.

I think all that food kind of knocked everyone out and that's why I'm sitting in bed blogging about all this at midnight on a Friday. It's sad to see dad leave, as I stated before, especially because without him I wouldn't have gotten to make this trip and be having this adventure now. So thanks, dad.

Oh and on another note, I spoke to someone from a PR agency in Boston, who wants to keep me in mind for a opening they are expecting in about a month. Could be interesting, but obviously would have to move there and be setting out on my own. Not necessisarily a bad thing, but we'll see what happens over the next couple weeks.

Since we are packing it in early tonight, the plan is for a full day on the beach tomorrow. Goal is to be AIS (ass in seat) by 10 AM...We'll see what happens. Well i think that's a pretty solid update, so sorry for the delay and hope I didn't cause too many panic attacks.

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