Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Breaking of the Fellowship

So today truly marked the end of my road trip to Cali. I dropped off my dad to pick up his rental car and then went on to San Diego to see Susan. It was kind of sad to say goodbye to my pops, tho we met up again for dinner and I'll see him on last time on Friday before he heads back to NY. Still, after spending 4 days less than 5 feet away from each other, this felt like a "goodbye".

I had been up since 8 AM in anticipation of seeing Susan again after 2 months of phone, text, and video conversations. It was amazing to finally see her again, and we had a nice afternoon hanging around and going to a farmer's market down by the beach. We picked out some avocados, humus, and nectarines to snack on the next couple days, and then headed back to Carlsbad for dinner with my dad and a family friend.

After that, it was like I hit a wall and up until about 5 minutes ago I was ready to pass out, but I knew some people needed these daily entries to "keep on truckin" (T-Mac). I figured I'd put a lil post up about today, but nothing too exciting to tell yall about, sorry man.

Biggest news of the day was I made an appointment at a local Subaru dealership to take Lucille in and get her fixed up. She's a tough broad and got us all the way out here, so it's the least I can do. Stay tuned for the diagnosis and prognosis.

Tomorrow is the first of many designated beach days, with a promising weather report also. I have also OK'ed us going just about anywhere over the next couple long as it does not involve me driving.

I know I promised photos. They'll be up by Sunday...Hopefully

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