Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 2 With The Patient

My alarm went off at 8 AM as per our plan to go to Disneyland, but I turned off the alarm without even waking Susan. It appeared she was asleep, so I figured it wasn't worth it to wake her up. Turns out my judgment was correct. She woke up this morning feeling just as bad as Wednesday, if not worse.

So I got up and went to CVS to pick her up some things (yeah, I know I'm good) and then chilled out for the majority of the day. I spent some time out on the roof catching some rays, trying to make up for some lost time the past two days. I think I might have gone a little over the top, but oh well. I'm guessing I'll be fine by the morning.

Later in the afternoon I convinced her to get out of the house for a bit and we went to Fashion Valley Mall. It was exactly what you'd expect in southern California: upscale, outside, well designed, and gorgeous. We wandered around for a bit, got some pretzel bites (delicious, by the way), and just did some window shopping.

Afterward, we decided we would make dinner tonight and grabbed some salad stuff, steak, and some sweet potatoes. Dinner turned out pretty good, even with the temperamental oven and stove top. Susan was a little over zealous with the choice of sweet potatoes, so we got some left over wedges to cook tomorrow.

But the good news is Susan felt and looked better by the end of the night, so hopefully by tomorrow morning she'll be feeling better and ready to kick it on the beach again. I know she's ready to get out of the house, and I'm ready to catch some waves and show off some moves.

Nice thing about hanging around today was it gave me time to catch up with some friends. Chatted with Greg, who is getting ready for the first of two demolition derbies he's in this summer (yeah, he's a little bit of a red neck). But we love him anyway and wish him well. Kick some ass, buddy.

Also checked in with some of the boys from home. Sounds like all is going pretty well there, and people are looking for jobs, at least Jonny is, while I'm being a bum out here. What are ya gonna do, right? I'll be joining the daily grind soon enough, but a couple more weeks of freedom and fun first.


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