Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's all about the Cuse

Soooo this morning Susan woke up and wasn't feeling too hot. At that point, our plans for the day kind of got put on hold as we waited to see what she was up for doing. Turns out she mostly wanted to lie in bed for the day and rest.

After hanging around all afternoon, the Memphis Crew decided to head down to OB for the weekly farmers market. We were hungry and wanted to get a couple things. Well, we certainly made the most of the trip down. We got chocolate, nectarines, hummus, dinner, and I bought the lady some sunflowers. Thought it might help her feel better.

I wore one of my many Syracuse shirts out to the market, and the guy at the chocolate counter was from Cortland. We of course told him we went to Cuse, and he proceeded to give us extra chocolate. It was most likely because of the Cuse connection, or the two pretty women standing with me. Afterwards, on the way back to the car, i got a "Yeah Cuse" shoutout. Gotta love the Cuuuuusse!

No Padres game tonight. Oh well. The plan for tomorrow was supposed to be Disney, but we'll see how Susan is doing in the morning. Lets cross our fingers that she's feeling better so we can go hang with Mickey and the Gang.

Oh, and my sun burn is already tan, so no worries. I know all you out there were nervous about how I was doing. We've also started looking into the return trip home, but don't think we've made too much progress there. We started thinking of driving up the coast to see the Redwoods and then over to Lake Tahoe. Oooor, we just drive straight East and head for the Grand Canyon. But how many times will I have the chance to drive up the California coast? What you guys think? We'll look closer at possible trip routes and hopefully decide soon what we are going to do.

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