Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Cornhuskers? Really?

Today was quite a day on the road. Started early out of Davenport, Iowa, and got across the state pretty quickly, only took about 4-5 hours or so. It was beautiful. Nice rolling hills, corn fields as far as your eyes could see. We got caught in a couple flash storms, but nothing too major. The coolest part was watching the lightening from miles off, until we inevitably drove right into it.

Nebraska was a totally different story. It was boring as hell. Period. The corn state? After what I saw, I'd have to give that award to Iowa. Definitely more corn fields. There was a whole lot of nothing going on in Nebraska. Just flat land forever. Getting through there took a good portion of the day, about 7 hours.

Tonight we are in Denver, Golden to be exact - home of Coors . Coming into town there was a huge storm blowing across and we watched the lighting for miles as we approached. We just missed it, catching only some light rain and some wet highway, but the lightening was just awesome. It was amazing; crawling across the clouds and branching out as it went, sometimes not even going to the ground. The sky lit up like there was a fireworks show going on, but with no noise to go along with the huge explosions.

Coming from a place where houses are so close and open room is so hard to find, it was exciting to watch storms all day rolling across huge tracks of lands from miles off, seeing what they were bringing with them.

Toughest part of the day was driving without air conditioning. Lucille (my car), apparently has a leak in her fan system, so when we turn on the a/c it just pours out and soaks the front passenger rug and floor. We went just about all day with windows open. It was brutal at times, especially going through NE with the sun shinning right down on us. Tomorrow as we go through Utah and Nevada, we may have to make concessions and

Tomorrow will be another long day with Vegas as our destination for the evening. That will be awesome! Hope we don't bet the car.

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