Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taking a Bite of the Apple

Aren’t you sick of all the damn commercials starting Justin Long and John Hodgman discussing Mac vs. Windows and how much better Mac is. We get it, alright? Mac’s are cool. You are casual, go-with-the-flow, and awesome at everything. They come with programs that do this, and programs for that, unlike Windows where everything has to be bought in addition.

Mac is cool. Windows is uptight, professional, and boring.

Got it.

For years I’ve written-off Mac, not quite understanding why everyone loves their own so damn much. I knew with Windows there was the chance of random freezes, slowed down systems after a couple years, and crashes while I was in the middle of conquering the ancient Egyptians or invading Russia. But mostly, I just wanted the talk of Mac vs. PC to go away. If the Mac people thought they were so much better, as it appeared they did, then good for them. They could go brag about it to their own friends, but please for the love of God leave me alone.

But sophomore year I switched majors and of course was now forced to use Macs every day.

Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator became mainstays for class assignments and the Mac labs became the place to be for assignments and group meetings. It was awkward at first to figure out how to use this “superior” machine, with its one button ways and simplified ways of saving. After all, humans got to where they are because we became more complex right? Not more simple.

Well, unfortunately I have been talking about getting a Mac for some time (But I won’t say it was because of those ads!). The only problem was my HP was just fine. I couldn’t justify spending so much on a new computer when mine worked fine.

Then a window opened... Thanksgiving Day the HP laptop decided the new colors of the season were ultraviolet. Everything that should have been white was hot pink, everything was pixelated, and there was a green line running down the left hand side of my screen at all times.

“Well, this is my chance,” I thought. If I was destined to get a Mac, now was the time. Christmas Day Santa knew what just to bring me.

So as I sit here on my Mac explaining how much I hate the advertisements I’ve been subjected to for years, I can’t help but agree with all of them. It pains me to know the commercials were dead on, any maybe I should have given in and found the light years earlier.

I try not to be one of those people going around talking about my new Mac like it’s a newborn, showing pictures to everyone and talking about all of it’s firsts; first laugh (starting up for first time, “and my it’s so fast!”), first steps (using all the capabilities of the mouse pad), first words (you get the point). But I’ll admit, it’s hard at times.

So I guess I’ve turned to the dark side, or the side of holiness, depending on what system you’re reading this on.

It’s a great machine. I just hate the advertisements that go along with it!