Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Look Back on 2009

I hope this holiday season is treating you well and you received all the goodies you asked for this year, be it for Hanukkah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa.

I had originally planned on writing on a totally different topic for this post, but since it will be my last post of 2009, I thought it would more appropriate to look back on the year and those things I am most thankful for.

To start, this has been a pretty eventful year for me in general.

Last winter I began my final semester at Syracuse, seemingly counting down the minutes as my friends and I squeezed every last drop of enjoyment and fun out of our time in Cuse. We went to all of the Big East basketball games at the Carrier Dome, even camping out several hours for a few of them just to ensure we would have good seats. We played beer pong almost religiously, used Halo as the best way to procrastinate from doing work or studying, and played Rock Band to get ourselves ready for a night out. We were second semester seniors, living the dream, and we made sure to do it all.

Syracuse had an outstanding season, earning a high seed in the NCAA tournament and convincingly made their way into the Sweet 16. They were set to play in Memphis against Oklahoma, and it was sure to be a good game. When the Orange beat Arizona State, the talk began about taking a road trip to Memphis to watch the boys play. It started with about 10 of us, and within a week and a half had dwindled to 3: Linz, Susan, and I. But 3 was enough so we made plans and set our course. It was my first true road trip and that was just as exciting as going to see Syracuse play in the NCAA tourney. While the game was forgettable, the experience was awesome, and the three of us really became close over those three days and had a great time together, though it’s tough not to get close when you spend close to 100 hours together.

In March my two best friends and I, who all attend different universities, happened to have the same spring break and spent a week in Key West, Fla. It was a great time. We fooled around like we usually do, shared many laughs, and of course did stupid things as we always do when we’re together. We spent our last night of spring break glued to the television as Syracuse and UConn battled in what can only be described as the most epic college basketball game of the year, if not the decade. By the time the game ended it was so late, we didn’t even attempt to go out. Instead we celebrated with a handle of Jack and 2 liters of Coke.

The spring of senior year came and went and life was good then. I had my friends, my girlfriend, and the one place I never wanted to leave. I got to walk across the stage and hear my name called in front of my family who had come up to Cuse, and listen to Vice President Joe Biden give a passionate key note speech at Commencement in the Carrier Dome. I sat with my friends inside the Carrier Dome, and finally got to take part in graduation traditions such as writing on an orange ribbon and tying it around a tree in the Orange Grove.

I was fortunate to find an internship in NYC for the summer, rebuilding my bank account a little bit in time for my big adventure and gaining valuable experience to help me land my first full time job. I became close friends with the people I worked with over those two months and still keep in touch with some of them.

After much anticipation, the calendar finally turned to August and you know what that means, my cross country road trip with Lucille (my car) to San Diego, Cali. and back. I won’t go into detail about the trip since I’m guessing if you’re reading this you know about everything on my trip. I’ll just say it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life, and something I will absolutely never forget. I got the chance to see places and things in this country I might never see again and that some people dream of going to; a Redwood Forest, driving up the California Coast, hiking both sides of the Grand Canyon, and I could go on. I got to experience a little piece of Americana, as my dad would say, and it wouldn’t have been possible without my awesome parents and amazing girlfriend.

In October I awoke one morning to a phone call from someone claiming they were in HR with Porter Novelli and asked me if I was interested in coming in for an interview. Three weeks later I received a formal offer to join the company and had a start date to began my first full time job. I am now almost two months in and enjoying working with my team, meeting new people, and growing professionally. I am working in the field I studied at Syracuse and in the industry focus I have wanted to work in for a while now. I couldn’t have asked for anything more in a first job and know how lucky I am I even got the opportunity.

At the end of October I got to fly out to Arizona for what has become the annual Father-Son baseball tournament with my dad. It’s a blast getting to play alongside him on the field with the rest of fathers and sons on the team. I try to cherish each time we are there together because not only do other fathers and sons not get the chance to have the same experience, you never know what next year will bring and it we’ll be able to go again. Between trips like there and traveling cross country with him in four days, and the following note, this year has been a big year for my dad and I to spend time together.

In November, the Yankees advanced to the World Series and by sheer luck, my father and I had tickets to Game 6 and watched the Yankees celebrate in their new stadium in the Bronx. I had begun work a mere two days beforehand and didn’t get to bed that night until about 1:30, waking up to my alarm clock a very short 4 hours later, but it did not matter. I was wide awake the following day, running on adrenaline and trying to relive a moment that I will probably never get to be part of again.

In mid-November I celebrated my one year anniversary with Susan, an impressive milestone considering we are no longer in college and able to see each other as easily. Granted we are still only about an hour away, but now life has begun, and between looking for jobs, hanging with friends, and being with family, it is tough to juggle everything. Thankfully we have made it work and have a great thing going. We meet in the city frequently, and try to make special plans around things we both enjoy (usually food).

And now I’ve celebrated the holidays with loved ones and am about to go to the Poconos to celebrate New Year's Eve with my group of friends and hopefully break in my new skis on a mountain out there. Not a bad way to cap off an incredible and memorable year, if I do say so myself.

After writing all this down, I realize this has really been a great year for me. I’m not sure how to compare it to years past, but I’m confident it contains the most adventures and plenty of things I will remember for many years to come. I’d say it was better than the past few years I can recall, and I am optimistic it will only get better from here.

I only hope 2010 brings as many new challenges and adventures.

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