Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You Lied To Us, Jesse!

Yes, I did. I’m sorry and regret those transgressions. (Thanks, Tiger)

First of all, I hope you all had a happy and delicious Thanksgiving.

Now, onto the news!

So since the last time I posted a lot has happened to say the least. First and foremost, the Yankees won the 2009 World Series, beating the Philadelphia Phillies in 6 games. (Sorry, Rollins) Because of sheer luck, I just happened to be at the clinching game of the World Series, something very few have gotten to ever experience. It was the second day of my new job, but that wasn’t as important as being sure I made it to the Bronx in plenty of time to soak in the atmosphere (Yes, I’ll come back to the job mention later). It was incredible to say the least. What an opportunity. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to buy tickets, and because no one could go to Game 1 or 2, we bought two tickets for Game 6 and hoped for the best. Well, luckily the best happened and I got the chance to be at the game of a lifetime.

Before going to the World Series, I was in Phoenix, AZ for a week hanging out and playing baseball for a week. I was only played baseball for a guaranteed two days, but since I didn’t have much else going on so I figured “Why not?” I was down there for a Father-Son baseball tournament and shared a week of fun and laughs with my pops. We got a lot of playing time, and I even got the chance to pitch a little bit. My limited time on the hill didn’t go as well as I imagined it in my head, but all that means is I have to work harder for next year. The trip to AZ with my dad to play is something I look forward to every year.

But before I went off to sunny Arizona, I was awoken one morning after spending the night in Jersey with Susan by a HR woman from Porter Novelli, a PR agency in New York City which I interviewed with earlier for a summer internship. I was skeptical when she asked me if I was available to come in for an interview since they didn’t offer me the internship. Anyway, I went in, interviewed, and then flew off to Arizona. After warming up before our first Father-Son game, I got a call from the woman again offering me the job. I accepted of course, and started off my tournament in pretty good style.

So I came back from AZ and started almost immediately. I had two days to learn everything from the woman whose place I was taking, and then pretty much thrown into the deep end. The next two weeks were chaotic. There was a major medical conference our client was at and a study that generated a lot of press. I worked Saturday and Sunday that weekend, as well as non-stop all week. It was the craziest two weeks I’m pretty sure anyone has ever had at a new job. I’m finally finding my groove and place within my team, getting into a daily routine and understand what’s expected from me on a daily basis.

Starting a job is exciting. I’m embarking on the next stage of my life. Getting a paycheck every two weeks for more than a two month period is sweet. It’s not to have money of my own and be able to spend it if I wish, though now that I understand what’s required to earn that money, I’m not so willing to spend it. In addition, while making money is nice, I’m not so sure I understand what’s wrong with spending the parents money. It’s just as fun…In fact, I’d contend that spending money I didn’t have to work for is MORE fun!

Luckily I have been staying in the city during the week thanks to my grandmother, because I had to be up at 5:30 every day when commuting from home because I have to be in the office by about 7:30 every morning. I will admit, as the train sped into the city and I sat around other people stuck in the daily grind, watching the sunrise out the window, I couldn’t help but reflect on this past summer and the amazing time I had in SoCal and the adventure home. Some times I couldn’t help but think how it felt so long ago, and how much I want to go back. I just hope I get to experience something like that again, and get to spend some more time out West. It turned out to be perfect timing actually, a perfect transition into the next stage of my life, and that’s not such a bad thing to keep.

Also since my last post, Susan and I have broken the one-year mark for our relationship (you thought I was going to say broken up, didn’t you). Pretty cool right? We still liked each other after traveling cross country and spending almost 400 hours straight together, which I think impressed everyone haha. We still spends as much time together as we can, and always have fun.

Well that’s a lot to take in. I already have my next post ready, I promise! So stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Jesse --

    Welcome to Porter Novelli! I make the commute from Long Island every day so I'm totally jealous that you have a grandma to crash with in the city!

    Come visit my desk one day :)


    p.s. I work on the social media team and sit near MR2. Found your blog because I have "Porter Novelli" google alerts set up. Again, welcome to PN! Email Karen.hartline if you want us to add you to our Twitter page at
