Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ok. No real update tonight because the hotel we are in...check that...motel 6 charges for internet! Those thieves. But because tonight it my second to last night on the road and i know you all want to see what we are up to, im up at 1 am writing a crazy long text message from my phone for the blog.

We drove a long way today, stopping in Hershey, PA on our way to Philadelphia. It was a fun stop, but a relatively quick one. We went on a short tour, got free chocolate, and then went a little crazy in the candy store. But we did have fun, and the smell of chocolate in that place was completely overwhelming and made me want to eat a lot of candy. After, we grabbed some food in town and hit the road.

Now we are about 20 miles outside Philly and plan on seeing some of the historic sites downtown. Im pretty excited about it and the plan is to meet up with a friend from high school for lunch.

Unfortunately, tomorrow is our last day on the road and tmrw night we will be at Susans house for the night, just about bringing our trip to a close. Ill have more reflections on everything from a real computer.

Hope this text thing works!

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