Monday, September 14, 2009

Damn You, Cedar Point (Cleveland Rock)

So after posting my blog last night, I decided to check the time Cedar Point opened today... And wouldn't you believe it, it's CLOSED. Apparently starting today it is only open on weekends. To say I was upset last night is a bit of an understatement. After about an hour-plus of anger management control issues, somehow I got myself to sleep.

This morning I woke up just as angry as I fell asleep and didn't start the day too well. In an attempt to salvage our dash North, we headed into Cleveland a day early (the original plan was Cedar Point today, Cleveland tomorrow) and went to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We ended up spending about 4.5 hours walking around the place. There is just so much to see in there. We spent almost two hours just on the bottom floor looking at the exhibits. Fortunately, it is shaped like the pyramid it is in and the exhibits became smaller as we went upward.

I only have a few pictures from the place because they don't allow photos inside the museum. We had a nice afternoon there though, and the day wasn't quite as bad as it started. After the museum, we met up with a friend of mine who lives in Cleveland. He is nice enough to let us crash at his place for the night, and even treated us to a nice, delicious dinner in the city.

Since everything got moved up a day for the Cleveland area, Susan and I began thinking about ways to fill in the extra day on our way home (obviously we are trying to milk each day we have left on the road). After a suggestion from my friend, we decided on heading to Hershey, PA and then stopping in Philly for the night. Both of us love chocolate, so that wasn't an issue, and we thought it might be fun to see some of the sights in Philly.

So that about does it for me tonight. Hope the update suffices and you're enjoying the photos. I'll try to get the rest of what I have up tonight or tomorrow.

Battery about to d-

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