Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And So It Begins

So It's Tuesday night and Susan and I are in Sunnyvale, CA. For those of you keeping track at home, that's about an hour south of San Francisco. So we've gone from an hour south of L.A. to an hour south of San Fran.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon cleaning the house after receiving some unexpected visitors...mainly the woman who live there and her children. We weren't expecting them till today, until there was a knock at the door at 12:30. So we spent the next 2.5 hours cleaning the house, packing up our lives, and throwing it into my car.

Maryann came up big again for us and let us crash in Carlsbad for the night. So after hurrying out of San Diego, we relaxed in Carlsbad, went food shopping, and got a gift for Maryann to thank her for all her help on this trip.

Today started early when the alarm went off at 7:15 and we crawled out of bed at about 7:30. Our estimated time of departure was 8 AM, but we really rolled onto the highway at 8:30. It could have been worse. The day was spectacular, even though we spent about 12 hours on the road. Winding along on Highway 1 in Big Sur was just incredible. We ended up taking about 5 hours to get through all of Big Sur since we were were driving slow so we could get to see everything in addition to constantly stopping to admire the sights and take pictures.

It was awesome, and we were so happy we took the drive. Susan had been talking about going to Big Sur all summer long, and when we planned the drive home it was a top destination. She made a great selection, and we really had a great time.

There were a few things we forgot to check out along the way, but we take solace in the fact we took plenty of time going through and enjoyed our time. Taking the twisting turns through the mountains, Susan and I realized just how amazing what we were doing was. We were literally as far west within the contential United States as you could go. 50 feet more West and you'd be in the Pacific Ocean. We were making our way to Northern California on a road cut into the side of a mountain on the edge of the continent. When you stop to think about it, it's pretty cool.

We took a lot of great pictures, but unfortunately my computer is being tempermental so I'll try again tomorrow. The craziness the past two days is also why I haven't put up photos yet like I promised. So no, it's not that I've forgotten or been lazy. As soon as I'm able to, rest assured, they'll be up.

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