Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Will the Real Slim Shady Please Sit Down

Hi everyone. I know i promised posts once I returned home and it's been a tad too long. I've been busy trying to get things in order here at home, though I'll admit it didn't take too long since I'm still unemployed. But better late than never, right? Well, I hope so. Enjoy my little rant and I'm going to try to be more consistent from now on.


There is a crime being committed.

It is taking place in every major city of this country and at every major sporting event.

The Wave corrupts fans, both young and old, who think it is actually fun to stand up in unison as this nebulous entity circles a giant arena through tens of thousands of fans. If you think the Wave is fun, exciting, or remotely entertaining, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are sadly mistaken.

The Wave seems to have its roots in the 1980s, though there is contention of the origins of this 20th century terror. The Wave has survived these past three decades hiding in the shadowy corners of ballparks, hockey arenas, and football stadiums, only emerging for major events where fans, whipped into a frenzy and in utter pandemonium, are susceptible to its lure. Cheering, jumping up and down, screaming, shouting, and drinking practically scream out "Open Season" on fans, and the Wave takes advantage every time.

How else could you explain the appearance of the Wave at basketball games when the home team is only up by 7 points, or at a baseball game the home team has a 2 run lead? These are completely unacceptable moments for the Wave to begin. Do people not pay hundreds to be entertained? To cheer on their team to victory? To live and die by every action on the playing field? Or would they rather flail their arms and make a little noise, cheering when the Wave reaches back to the beginning, as if this historic feat has never occurred before and never will again. And then there is the one guy who's brilliant idea it was to begin the wave, and who never takes "no" for an answer. If the Wave doesn't get going the first three times he tries, he tries three more times to get people involved until one of two things happen: 1) the Wave catches on, or 2) someone says "Down in front!"

As a die-hard Syracuse Orange, I did not miss a single home game while I was at school. Going to The Dome with the congregation of 30,000 devout followers was something I refused to miss, choosing Big East basketball over class if the two conflicted. But I remember games with 25,000+ plus being audience to hotly contested games and witnessing the thing I feared most…The Wave.

It always started in the 300 section and with one usher in particular. I know his heart was in the right place. He was trying to make sure fans enjoyed their night inside the Carrier Dome before setting out into the blistering cold, but his timing couldn’t be worse. I could never justify the Wave going around when there was still 10 minutes to play in the second half and ‘Cuse held a single-digit lead over the opposition. I would have remained sitting, if not for the student code which says we stand the whole game. Instead, I was sure to keep my hands at my side and keep my eyes fixed on the game at hand.

Yes, I am angry. For too long I have sat quietly by and let the Wave do its thing. It's distracting, annoying, and a joke. People complain about how much tickets are to sporting events, but then do not pay attention when they are there. Isn't the point to watch your favorite athletes, cheer them on, or even boo them? There is nothing more disheartening to me than seeing the fans around me care so little about the game going on in front of them. Is it not also a diss to your team, saying "Yeah, we know you are playing, but hell, it’s not exciting enough for us so we are just going do our own thing...WooOOOoooOO."

Frankly, I doubt they care very little, if at all. They are getting paid millions whether you watch or not, and since you've already bought a ticket and contributed to their endless cash flow, your of little more use to them, unless you plan on buying lots of food and souvenirs. But with that said, don't you think, as a fan, you are entitled to the most out of your money?

The only way I know how to accomplish this is to sit down, eat some fan-fare, cheer on the home team, scream until my lungs give out, and boo the enemy till they go home with their tail between their legs.

So take a stand with me, and remain seated the next time the Wave tries to overtake your body and mind. Be strong, stay the course, and we will prevail.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this is very well written but shows that you have WAY too much time on your hands.
