Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Countdown to Pitchers and Catchers Begins!

Well Syracuse basketball held its first official practice the other day in the new tradition of Midnight Madness, so it must mean it’s almost time for college basketball and maybe means I should return from my multi-month hiatus.

Even though my lead was about Syracuse, I think we need to discuss the Yankees first and the end of this season...After all, we will have plenty of time to pour over Syracuse basketball in the coming months.

So...Yes, the Yankee season ended prematurely this past weekend due to an inspired Texas Rangers team that got timely hits and had great pitching. The Yankees on the other hand, have been unable to locate their bats since about the end of August and gave up runs in the first inning in all but two of the games (Game 4 & 5). It’s awfully hard to win when your fighting an uphill battle from the first inning on.

But I don’t even want to talk about the horrendous play on the field. I want to talk about the disgusting fandom I saw during this series. I was lucky enough to go to Game 4 at Yankee Stadium and watch A.J Burnett & Co. implode in the 5th inning after starting off strong and actually making me think we could pull off the win.

So after the demise took place with a combination of A.J., David Robertson, Boone Logan, and Joba Chamberlain, I was disheartened when I heard “boooos” actually coming from the crowd as Logan and Chamberlain walked off the field.

Are you serious? Booing your team? I understand that this is New York, and we like to win, but booing in the playoffs? If you’re booing in October, then I’m not sure you are a real fan. If you are upset about the way some guy is pitching in July or August, OK, let him know. But your team is in the playoffs, fighting for their October lives, and you need to make a statement?! Give me a break. It makes me sick. You came out to watch post-season baseball and cheer on your team. Act like it.

People gives New York fans lots of credit for being “educated fans.” I’m not sure where they come up with this crap. New York fans are typically hard-headed, egotistical, self-centered, stubborn, and think the sports universe should revolve around New York. I’m not saying it shouldn’t sometimes, but I would not give the benefit of the doubt to the large majority of Yankee fans as “educated fans.”

These are the same fans now calling for the head of Joe Girardi. This man won you a World Series last year, and took the team to the Championship Series this year, and now you want him gone? In any other city, there would be no doubt about his future. I know that with the Yankees payroll there are expectations, but is not making it to the final four teams enough of a success? You cannot win it all every year. I know we want to, but that just is not realistic. If it was possible, then why would other teams even take the field?

The bottom line is fans should not be booing their team this late in the season. Obviously the guy knows he has f*cked up in a big situation. In October, the fans job is to help the home team overcome the odds and gain momentum. If you are only going to boo when mistakes are made, they might as well play the whole series on the road.

Food for thought as we now sit around and count the days till pitchers and catchers report for spring training...and wait to see how much money the Yankees are going to throw at Cliff Lee.

Sorry for the you-know-what-grinds-my-gears rant to start things off.

I’m back.

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